Queensland Police
Literacy Practice Test

Learn. | Practice. | Improve. | Pass.

Boost your knowledge, confidence, and ability in your literacy skills. Learn all the related techniques, to pass the Queensland Police Entrance Test on your FIRST TRY. 


  • Free try-before-you-buy questions
  • 1 Set up 30 Literacy Questions specifically designed to help you pass the Queensland Police Exam 
  • Questions can be practiced in both a self paced quiz and a 35 minute exam.
  • All Questions and answers explained so you understand the content.

Improve your Literacy Skill

You will learn how to solve questions that use:
♦  Fractions
♦  Ratios
♦  Percentages
♦  Decimals
♦  Measurements
♦  Conversions
♦  Map reading
♦  Graphing and Data
♦  Functions
♦  Area & Volume
♦  Money
♦  Time
♦  Speed & Distance

Personal success

Learn the content, you most need to know and then test your skills on the timed practice exam.
Capability and confidence to not only pass, but to excel in your Queensland Police Application.

Quickly try our learning platform for free!

What our learners have to say

Hey, Travis. 
I participated in my entrance exam to Police last Saturday as you know. I’m just updating you with how it all went. Was quite easy but quite difficult at points but I’m sure you would like to hear the news that I have just heard myself...I’VE PASSED IT ALL!
Thank you so so much for your help in getting me through this part of the process, I really do appreciate it.
Thanks again, means a lot.
Luke H
Loved working with Travis. He broke things right down for me to be able to understand, would definitely come back to him if I ever needed more assistance in the future. Thank you so much for all your help.
Maureen T

Learn literacy skills that will serve you for life!

Not only will this course prepare you to pass the Victorian Police ACER entrance exam, you will adapt these skills for life!

Learn numeracy skills that will serve you for life!

Not only will this course prepare you to pass the Victorian Police ACER entrance exam, you will adapt these skills for life!
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